Creating a Content Strategy to Prepare for Google SGE

Is Google SGE making you rethink your content strategy? If not, it might be time to pause and think about how AI-assisted search could affect your content's reach. Keep reading to learn about the possible impacts and how to succeed in an SGE world.

By imad guemmah

6m read

Google SGE (Search Generative Experience) is making SEO and content marketers rethink how they create content that ranks well.

By using the top part of search results pages (SERPs) for AI-generated answers, Google is concerned about how this might affect click-through rates and search visibility.

SGE is still in beta, and Google keeps updating it. But content teams shouldn’t wait for the official launch to start planning. It’s better to start working with what we know now.

In this article, I have two goals: first, to show you how to create content that Google SGE will want to cite, and second, to explain how you can still rank well and attract organic traffic without worrying about Google SGE overshadowing your content.

Note: This article was first crafted in September 2023 on our previous company’s website; and has been updated since then. Google often changes SGE, so the screenshots may look different from how Google SGE appears now. However, the conclusions in the article are still the same.

Creating Content Google SGE Will Cite

Google SGE includes citations for the content it uses. I’ve noticed that when there’s a featured snippet in search results, it’s often included in Google SGE response.

By using the same methods to capture a featured snippet, you might be able to get highlighted in a Google SGE response.

  1. Start with a primary keyword research on Google and look for the featured snippet, if there is one.
  2.  Pay attention to the format and content of the snippet. Is it a paragraph or a list? Is there any bold text? Visit the page Google selected. Where is the featured content located? Does it include an H2? 
  3. Think about how you can improve the information. Can you define the term more clearly? Can you offer more helpful steps? Can your table include more detailed information?
  4. When optimising your content, as well as your content strategy, remember what you found. Try to match the style of the featured snippet. If it was a list from H3 headings, format your content the same way.

Featured snippets show up for many searches, but not for every search you want to target. So, when a featured snippet isn’t available, how can you still rank well and increase the chances that Google SGE will cite your page?

How to prepare for a Google SGE world

Right now, Google hasn’t announced any algorithm updates that might come with the public launch of SGE. As a content leader, I believe this means we should keep focusing on creating high-quality content that offers more value than what’s already available.

Of course, this is easier said than done—but it’s worth the effort.

Focus on matching competitors and providing unique information

Instead of worrying about word count, focus on information gain to match the quality of your competitors and offer unique information to maintain search visibility and ranking success.

Here’s what I mean:

  • Competitive Parity: This means creating content that matches the search intent of your target keyword. At the very least, your content strategy should include the type of information that Google currently shows for that keyword. For example, if you’re writing about cybersecurity tips for consumers, look at the top-ranking content. Google tends to rank pages that describe the threats and offer practical tips, without diving too deep into the history of cybersecurity.
  • Information Gain: This concept comes from a Google patent from 2018, where they mentioned ranking pages based on how unique the content is compared to what users have already seen. When you research word count and compare your content to your competitors, keep this in mind. Focusing on information gain helps us ensure that our content adds value to readers and improves its chances of ranking well.

These ideas fit perfectly with Google’s helpful content system, which is now part of the core algorithm. This system rewards high-quality content that is useful and valuable to readers. By centring your content strategy around competitive parity and information gain, you’re naturally creating content that aligns with what Google values most.

Integrate schema

Schema helps search engines understand your page’s content better. By adding schema markup, you’re essentially highlighting the most important parts of your page.

If you’ve created a helpful guide with easy steps, use how-to schema to make it more visible.

Have a list of questions and answers? Use FAQ schema. Even though Google has reduced FAQ features in search results, FAQ schema might still help you get featured in the People Also Ask box.

Optimise Alt text

Make it easier for Google to understand your images by optimizing your alt text. This not only helps screen readers describe the images on your site, but also increases the chances of your images appearing in Google Image Search. While Google SGE doesn’t show images right now, it might in the future. Optimising alt text is simple and already a good SEO practice.

 Provide what Google can’t

Case studies, templates, and downloadable resources can highlight the value of your services or products—something Google SGE can’t offer.

Creating content that Google can’t easily replicate helps protect your content strategy for the future. These types of content also demonstrate E-E-A-T: Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness.

Start by figuring out what content would be most valuable to your customers and identify any gaps in what you currently offer. Do you need more case studies? Are your lead magnets outdated? Add these needs to your content plan and make them a priority. Once they’re ready, promote them widely—send emails, share them on social media, and include them as calls-to-action (CTAs) on your site where it makes sense.

Focus on experiences

Google SGE provides information, but it can’t match the rich experience of a well-written article with images or videos for each step. Think about who your audience is, what they want to know, and how they prefer to learn, then create valuable experiences on your website.

Can you add interactive elements to help visitors understand your content better? Would webinars or virtual events help you connect with your audience?

By focusing on creating unique experiences, you increase your chances of ranking well. Even if an SGE box appears at the top for your keywords, a high ranking will still bring more clicks than being at the bottom of page one. Plus, these unique experiences encourage visitors to return to your site.

Highlight E-E-A-T

In addition to providing great experiences for visitors, make sure to highlight your own expertise, authority, and trustworthiness.

E-E-A-T is important for Google and influences how its algorithms rank content. While it’s not a direct ranking factor, it helps Google promote high-quality content.

Keep your ‘About’ page accurate and updated with the correct business name, address, and phone number (NAP). Add author bios to show your team’s expertise. Mention the author and their experience on relevant pages.

Work on getting reviews from customers, as they can greatly enhance your credibility. Create case studies that show what it’s like to work with your company and seek out citations in relevant industry directories.

Learn more about E-E-A-T tips here.

Measure, analyse, and stay flexible

With Google SGE, things keep changing. Google doesn’t just release a product and leave it; it keeps making improvements. Content marketers need to do the same, adjusting their content strategies as Google updates its systems.

Keep measuring and tracking how well your content performs. See which types of content work best as SGE evolves and update your strategy to keep growing and staying visible.

Beyond search

Make the most of your content by repurposing it for other channels. Even though Google SGE might reduce organic traffic by showing more answers at the top of search results, you can use your improved content strategy to meet your audience’s needs in different ways.

Combine related blog posts into useful ebooks and share them on your site, in email newsletters, and on social media.

Transform blog posts into short videos for social media or into podcasts. Different people prefer different formats, so offering both options increases your chances of reaching your audience.

Turn blog content into long-form social posts and carousels. This way, you make the most of the time you invested in creating your content.

While AI might seem like the cause of these changes, it can also help you manage them. Tools like ChatGPT can assist in reworking content, creating scripts, and summarising for social posts.

Other AI tools can help generate videos and images, but make sure your content meets these standards:

  • Is it accurate?
  • Is it helpful?
  • Has it been edited by a human?

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