
SEO Keyword Research Services

Uncover High-Value Search Terms

There’s no silver bullet for online success, but we’ve got the next best thing: Top-rated SEO keyword research services. Our SEO experts identify the search terms with the highest potential to land your website on the first page of search results. This warrants your business visibility to the customers actively searching for what you offer.


You're in good company!


Your Roadmap to SEO Success

Reach the right audience at the right time for the right reasons

Our keyword research agency leverages actionable data to bridge the gap between the problems customers have and the solutions you deliver. Yes, we identify relevant keywords, but we’re more interested in search intent.

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Deliberate Keyword Themes

We don’t scattergun keywords – we strategically build targeted themes that set the foundation for your entire SEO campaign, mimicking how Google’s crawlers vet content.

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Targeted Search Intent

We understand not just the “what” of search queries, but also the “why.” Our approach eclipses keyword themes, incorporating search intent to make your site more relatable.

Our Method_ Transparent SEO Solutions Tailored to Your Goals-8

High-Value Keywords

Within each thematic group, we prioritise keywords with the highest potential to drive qualified traffic to conversion points, maximising the return on your SEO investment.

Your Success Journey With a Keyword Research Agency Starts Here

Our SEO keyword research services equip you to see the world through your customers’ eyes. We help you…

  • Understand what your ideal customers are searching for, allowing you to tailor your content to their specific needs and search intent.
  • Leverage strategically chosen, commercially viable keywords to attract more relevant visitors, maximising your website’s ROI.
  • Develop a content strategy that aligns with your audience needs and capitalises on prevailing search trends.

Boost Your Organic Reach and Dominate Search

Establish a solid base for long-term success by amplifying your organic search presence. Discover how our keyword research services help you be there when potential customers do.

On-page-seo-agency; ecommerce seo agency

A Proven Search-First Framework That Supports Your Success

A Search-First partnership unites SEO, Content, and Web Maintenance in perfect synergy. With data-driven SEO keyword research at its core, we craft high-quality, relevant content that captivates users and improves site performance. The result? A technically robust website that excels in UX and search visibility.

Services Start at £1,500/mo

Our Search-First strategy aligns with your goals, delivering high-ROI results that drive your business success.

Our Integrated Service Lines


Boost your rankings and build industry authority with content optimised for search intent.

  • SEO Content Audit
  • SEO Content Briefs
  • SEO Content Writing
  • Page Optimisations


Increase search engine visibility and attract qualified traffic with an SEO strategy tailored to your growth goals.

  • Keyword Research
  • Link Building
  • On-Page SEO
  • Technical SEO


Depend on a technically sound, user-friendly, secure site that’s optimised for search engines.

  • Managed Hosting
  • Content Implementation
  • Google Analytics Audit
  • Monthly Site Sweeps

Your Questions About Our SEO Keyword Research Services, Answered.

Why is Keyword Research Important?

Keyword research isn’t just a box-ticking exercise in SEO; it’s the bedrock upon which successful campaigns are built. Here’s how:

  • Identifying Customer Needs: Keywords are the search terms people use to find products, services, or information. By aligning the keywords with your most valuable pages, you’re essentially targeting the exact phrases potential customers use when seeking your services.
  • Understanding User Intent: Are users looking to buy, learn, or solve a problem? Understanding this intent allows you to tailor your content to those specific needs, increasing the likelihood of converting website traffic into customers.
  • Driving Qualified Traffic: Effective keyword research attracts qualified visitors to your site. By targeting the right keywords with the right content, you not only boost your search engine visibility but also attract visitors with high buying temperature.
  • Improving Revenue: The bottom line is, effective keyword research can significantly impact your revenue. By attracting more qualified traffic, you increase the likelihood of conversions – be it sales, sign-ups, or other actions that contribute to your business goals.


By incorporating these elements into your keyword research, you set the stage for a more effective, targeted, and successful overall SEO campaign.

  1. Identifying Relevant Keywords: Thorough keyword research services strategically choose the right keywords that align with your business goals.
  2. Mapping Keywords to Website Pages: These chosen keywords are then mapped to the most appropriate pages on your website.
  3. Driving Traffic & Revenue: By targeting relevant search terms with the right content, keyword research services aim to drive qualified traffic to your website, and thus increasing revenue or lead generation.
  4. Understanding User Journey: A crucial aspect of keyword research services involves understanding your customers’ motivations and their position in the buyer’s journey. This allows them to bridge the gap between you and your potential customers.


The key to SEO budgeting is not just how much you spend but how effectively you use your budget to meet your specific business objectives. Partnering with a reputable search engine optimisation company like Hawk SEO can ensure your budget is maximised for the best possible outcomes. Learn more about how much SEO costs and how to budget for SEO.

Hawk SEO uses a multi-pronged approach to identify the most effective keywords for your specific pages:

  1. Competitor Spy Games: We meticulously analyse the keywords your competitors are ranking for on similar pages. This unveils valuable industry terms and reveals hidden opportunities you might be missing.
  2. Keyword Metric Analysis: We delve into metrics like search volume, keyword difficulty, and cost-per-click to assess the potential effectiveness of each keyword.
  3. Understanding User Intent: We don’t just focus on the “what” of search terms, but also the “why.” We consider the user’s intent behind each keyword. Are they looking to buy, learn, or navigate to a specific page? We choose keywords that align with this user intent.
  4. Mapping Keywords to Your Powerhouse Pages: Once we’ve identified the most impactful keywords, we map them to the most relevant pages on your website. This ensures each page is optimised for the keywords most likely to drive traffic and conversions.
  5. Identifying New Page Needs: If your current web landscape lacks a page for a potentially beneficial keyword theme, we’ll recommend creating one. Our SEO content writing services can streamline this process for businesses without an internal content team.
  6. Constant Monitoring & Refinement: The journey doesn’t end after integrating keywords into your content. We continuously monitor their performance using analytics tools and refine our strategy as needed.

By following this comprehensive approach, we ensure you’re targeting the most effective keywords that resonate with your page’s content but also contribute to achieving your overarching business goals.

Keyword research serves as the roadmap for optimising your business-critical pages. Our keyword research services venture beyond just your primary pages. We’ll identify related keyword themes for supporting content that connects back to your main keywords, helping you build topical authority. To learn more about this, the following pillar cluster strategy comprehensive guide will dissect everything you need to know.

Absolutely! We support e-commerce businesses by helping them discover the best keywords to use on their product pages, making it easier for consumers to find what they’re looking for.

In addition to their experience and expertise, evaluate the agencies’ commitment to:

  • Transparency: Anyone you partner with should be able to clearly describe their methodology and practices.
  • Communication: Ascertain how the company communicates its strategy and recommendations.
  • Consistent reporting: Determine the types of reporting you’ll receive and how frequently you’ll be provided with insights into your campaign.
  • Ethical practices: Black-hat tactics can tank your site. Ensure anyone you partner with abides by ethical SEO practices.
  • Flexibility: Avoid one-size-fits-all approaches. The company should offer customized strategies tailored to your business’s unique needs and goals. They should be flexible in adjusting strategies based on performance and market changes.
  • Scalability: Your SEO needs may evolve as your business grows. Choose a company that can scale its search engine optimization services to support your future growth.

To better understand how an SEO marketing agency works, check its SEO case studiesreviews, and features.