
Expert technical SEO services Company

Increase Your ROI With Our Technical SEO Agency

Great small businesses require great technical SEO services. With over 40 years of combined experience, our technical SEO agency boosts online presence with a well-structured site that is easy to find, use, and trust.


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expert technical seo services company

Discover technical SEO services that help you get noticed and found

Standing out in search starts with enlisting technical SEO services to fix any and all technical roadblocks.

Our seo-process Transparent SEO Solutions Tailored to Your Goals-21

Better Indexing

We make sure search engines can quickly crawl and index your website, allowing your content to be matched with relevant search queries.

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Better UX

For better user experience, we optimise your site for fast loading times, mobile responsiveness, and an easy-to-understand site structure.

Our Method_ Transparent SEO Solutions Tailored to Your Goals-8

Laser-Focused Strategy

Our technical SEO services company use best practices to to help your site perform well even when search algorithms change.

Perform Better With Our Technical SEO Agency

SEO is more than just keywords and content. It’s a complex interplay of technical elements that significantly impact your bottom line. Allow our technical SEO agency to improve your site on the backend so that it dominates on the front end. 

  • Increase search engine rankings for relevant queries to attract targeted traffic.
  • Improve website navigation and load times to increase engagement and conversions.
  • Outrank your competitors with better site structure.  



Start Your Digital Success Journey With Our Technical SEO Services

Our team of professional technical SEO experts (and all-around awesome people) are ready to make your site as smooth as a well-oiled machine.

On-page-seo-agency; ecommerce seo agency

A Proven Search-First Framework That Supports Your Success

A Search-First partnership unites SEO, Content, and Web Maintenance in perfect synergy. With data-driven SEO keyword research at its core, we craft high-quality, relevant content that captivates users and improves site performance. The result? A technically robust website that excels in UX and search visibility.

Services Start at £1,500/mo

Our Search-First strategy aligns with your goals, delivering high-ROI results that drive your business success.

Our Integrated Service Lines


Boost your rankings and build industry authority with content optimised for search intent.

  • SEO Content Audit
  • SEO Content Briefs
  • SEO Content Writing
  • Page Optimisations


Increase search engine visibility and attract qualified traffic with an SEO strategy tailored to your growth goals.

  • Keyword Research
  • Link Building
  • On-Page SEO
  • Technical SEO


Depend on a technically sound, user-friendly, secure site that’s optimised for search engines.

  • Managed Hosting
  • Content Implementation
  • Google Analytics Audit
  • Monthly Site Sweeps

Your questions about working with a technical SEO company, answered.

What is technical SEO?

Technical SEO services refer to the process of optimising a website’s infrastructure to ensure it meets the technical requirements of modern search engines, with the goal of improving organic rankings. It includes a wide range of activities designed to improve the crawling, indexing, and rendering of a website by search engines.

Key elements our technical SEO company looks into include site speed, mobile optimisation, crawlability, indexing, structured data, site architecture, HTTPS, and error handling.

Technical SEO is the website’s backbone. Technical SEO services handle the behind-the-scenes work for search engines. On-page SEO focuses on content optimisation—keywords, meta tags, quality—to make content digestible for both users and search engines. Off-page SEO builds trust through external signals like backlinks and social shares.

Together, they form the SEO trinity: accessibility, understandability, and authority.

Technical SEO issues can significantly impact your website’s performance and search engine rankings. Here are the most common problems:

  1. Slow Page Speed: Optimise images, leverage browser caching, and minimise JavaScript to improve loading times.

  2. Lack of Mobile-Friendliness: Make your site is responsive and provides a seamless experience on all devices.

  3. Duplicate Content: Use canonical tags to avoid confusing search engines and ensure unique content across your site.

  4. Broken Links: Regularly check for and fix broken links to enhance user experience and crawling.

  5. Missing or Poorly Implemented Structured Data: Properly implement schema markup to help search engines understand your content and improve visibility.

  6. Improper Use of Redirects: Use 301 redirects for permanent changes and 302 redirects for temporary ones to avoid crawl issues.

  7. Not Using HTTPS: Secure your site with an SSL certificate to boost trustworthiness and rankings.

  8. Thin Content: Provide meaningful information on all pages to enhance your site’s authority.

  9. Poor Site Architecture: Maintain a clean, intuitive site structure for better crawling and indexing.

  10. XML Sitemap and Robots.txt Issues: Regularly review and update these files to ensure effective crawling and indexing.

Addressing these technical SEO issues is crucial for maintaining a high-performing website that ranks well in search results. Hire a professional technical SEO agency that utlises 200+ factors to get your site noticed and found.

Uncovering technical SEO flaws requires a blend of tools and expertise. Our technical SEO services company dissect websites with SEO audits, checking if search engines can navigate and index content. This deep dive identifies over 100 potential issues, from missing sitemaps to redirect loops.

Our technical SEO services don’t just stop at the audit. We offer a full suite of solutions, including seamless web maintenance of our recommendations. The wizards at our technical SEO agency are ready to transform your audit insights into tangible results. Want to see how we can supercharge your online presence? Let’s talk.

When choosing a technical SEO company, don’t be blinded by flashy promises. Instead, focus on the fundamentals.

At a bare minimum, the technical SEO company should offer a comprehensive site audit, master the art of robots.txt, construct a robust sitemap, and possess a keen eye for duplicate content. These are the building blocks of any solid technical SEO strategy.

But don’t stop there. Bonus points go to agencies that can optimise your images, analyse your link profile, and craft custom 404 error pages—the little details that can make a big difference. And while not strictly technical SEO, page speed optimisation is often intertwined with search performance. Truly full-service technical SEO services will offer this as well.

Remember, technical SEO is about precision, not pizzazz. Choose a technical SEO agency that understands the nuts and bolts, not just the shiny exterior.