
Content Services and SEO Strategies Fuel a 1,176% Increase in Page One Keywords


New ranking Keywords


page One Keywords

↑ 9,878

Positive Changes in SERPs


Mission Matters needed a comprehensive SEO strategy to elevate their educational platform, hosted by Adam Torres, featuring innovators and thought leaders in business, innovation, marketing, money, and real estate.


Hawk SEO developed a keyword-rich content plan that adapted to the unexpected changes brought on by the pandemic.


Despite their pivot to an online model, Mission Matters achieved nearly 10,000 positive position changes in Google Search.

Mission Matters is dedicated to sharing expertise and bringing together thinkers from diverse fields to expand knowledge and foster growth. Adam Torres and his team sought to expand their reach into new markets with the support of a dedicated SEO partner — then the pandemic hit.

The Original Plan

Hawk SEO’s initial strategy began with a creative content ideation process. We identified keyword groups driving traffic to competitors that Mission Matters was not targeting. Then, we developed relevant topics, optimised for search better than the competitors, and produced high-quality content. To gain traction with highly competitive keywords, we complemented our content efforts with backlinks from high-authority websites.

The Pandemic Pivot

With rankings on the rise, Covid-19 arrived. Like many, Mission Matters had to pivot quickly when in-person events were no longer viable. As they shifted their business model to support virtual engagements, Hawk SEO swiftly adjusted their content strategy to match the new search intent.

Their systematic SEO workflow is state-of-the-art.

Adam T. – Founder

The Results

116% Increase in New Ranking Keywords

Mission Matters saw their number of ranking keywords grow from 3,509 to 7,603, adding 4,094 new ranking keywords — almost three and a half times their original goal.


9,878 Positive Position Changes in Google SERPs

Our thematic keyword research and supporting content ideation propelled Mission Matters from a moderate position to a dominant presence in search results.

1,176% Increase in Page One Keywords

Mission Matters now has 638 keywords on page one, compared to 50 when their campaign began.

Grow Through What You Go Through

We pride ourselves on acting as an extension of our clients’ in-house teams, seamlessly navigating through both smooth and challenging times. Transparent communication and a collaborative approach provide the foundation for swift and decisive action when it’s necessary to change course. Mission Matters continues to thrive despite the pandemic, demonstrating the resilience and adaptability of a robust SEO strategy in supporting businesses through all circumstances.

Their systematic SEO workflow is state-of-the-art.


Adam Torres



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