
Opening Doors with SEO: Achieving a 780% Return on Investment


Organic Traffic


More Ranking Keywords

↑ 463

Page One Keywords

↑ 780%

Return on Investoment


Paella Amor, a premier paella catering company based in Sydney, struggled to harness the full potential of its website as a lead generation tool and had difficulty appearing within the first ten pages of search engine results.


Hawk SEO quickly identified the obstacles, focusing on content enhancement and a strategic keyword approach.


Paella Amor experienced a significant increase in ranking keywords, leading to a remarkable 780% ROI.

Picture that perfect summer evening with the aroma of authentic paella filling the air, a skilled chef preparing the dish right in front of your eyes, and the assurance of seamless service. For most, this is an ideal culinary experience. For Tim Darton, Co-founder of Paella Amor, these exclusive catering services define his business — a leader in paella catering for over a decade.

Tim knew there were untapped markets where Paella Amor could flourish. However, after years of working with various SEO agencies, he still struggled to see his website among the top search results. This left him questioning the effectiveness of his website as a lead generation tool.

A Fresh Approach

Tim believed that Hawk SEO could provide the personalised, client-focused service he needed — a significant compliment from someone dedicated to serving an exclusive clientele. Our understanding of the complexities involved in marketing a catering service further strengthened his confidence in us.

Armed with a comprehensive 200+ Point SEO Audit, including in-depth SEO analysis, backlink portfolio analysis, competitive analysis, and on-page SEO analysis, Hawk SEO quickly identified ranking barriers. We discovered ineffective thematic keywords, thin content, and a website overloaded with geo-focused pages.

Hawk SEO then implemented a tactical, data-driven SEO strategy to fill gaps, identify opportunities, and unlock growth potential. The immediate increase in organic traffic confirmed the relevance of thematic keywords to her high-end clients. Propelled by this initial success, we delved deeper, employing an effective link-building strategy to:

  • Acquire authoritative, thematically relevant links from reputable domains
  • Increase social media visibility
  • Diversify SEO press releases
  • Engage in strategic content ideation

Recently, Hawk SEO advised us on obtaining featured snippets. In the first month, we secured 30 featured snippets…you can’t miss us. Today, I spent the morning trying to source more catering orders because we have more demand than we can handle. That’s a great problem to have!

Tim Darton – Co-Founder & Operations Manager

The Results

A 463% increase in page-one keywords

We tripled Paella Amor’s total ranking keywords on Google, with first-page placements growing from 155 to 872.

A 571% increase in organic search traffic


As Paella Amor improved its rankings, they finally experienced the boost in organic traffic they had been striving for.

A 780% return on SEO investment

Our campaign boosted Paella Amor’s website revenue by nearly 50%, resulting in an impressive ROI.

More Than Just a Provider, We’re a Partner

In the end, Tim found a partner in Hawk SEO, not just an SEO provider. With stellar organic search results, Paella Amor has reduced its reliance on third-party advertising sites. Now, it thrives on a sustainable SEO strategy that continues to deliver.

Recently, Hawk SEO advised us on obtaining featured snippets. In the first month, we secured 30 featured snippets…you can’t miss us. Today, I spent the morning trying to source more catering orders because we have more demand than we can handle. That's a great problem to have!


Tim D.

Operations Manager


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