
Trust and Transparency Drive a 490% Increase in Page One Keywords


Goal Completions YoY


page One Keywords


Positive Google SERPs Movement


Campaign Clicks


Campaign Impressions


Direct, an IT service provider company, aimed to reduce their PPC expenditure and lower their customer acquisition costs, all while managing a rebrand and launching new products.


Through meticulous keyword research, Hawk SEO crafted a strategy that navigated Google’s challenges in understanding the semantic nuances of highly specialised industry keywords, delivering substantial results for Direct MSP.


The significant keyword movement led to 264K clicks and 8.63M impressions.

Direct embarked on their SEO journey to decrease both PPC spend and customer acquisition costs. Dissatisfied with an agency that lacked transparent communication, Direct turned to Hawk SEO for a high-touch SEO partnership to support their rebrand and new product launches.

Agile SEO Propels Businesses to the Top

Both Hawk SEO and Direct shared a commitment to empowering their customers. To ensure that Direct’s team understood our time-tested methodology, SEO best practices, and the metrics that measured their progress, we prioritised clear communication.

Our strategists faced the challenge of navigating Google’s limitations with the semantic nuances of highly specialised industry keywords while adapting to Direct’s evolving needs. No assumption was left unexamined. Keyword research evolved into a strategy that delivered tangible results to Direct’s bottom line.

The Results

3,457 Positive Position Changes in Google SERPs

Strategic keywords enhanced Direct’s content, fostering new connections and propelling Direct to the top of the rankings.


490% Increase in Page One Keywords


By addressing the semantic challenges of ultra-specific industry keywords, our strategists unlocked remarkable keyword growth for Direct.

847% Increase in Goal Completions Year-over-Year


By focusing our strategy on driving qualified traffic to conversion opportunities on their site, we increased Direct’s online conversions by more than 8x.

A High-Touch SEO Partnership Drives Conversion Success

Transparency and education were crucial to Direct’s success. With an emphasis on communication, our point-of-contact established SEO strategy Lunch & Learns to share Hawk SEO’s insights with Direct’s entire team. Hawk SEO fully integrated into Direct’s business, becoming an extension of their team. We consistently find that the more our customers invest in understanding our methodologies, the more we can achieve together.

The tremendous growth experienced by Direct led to its acquisition by the European IT giant, Easi.

Our SEO partnership with Hawk SEO boosted traffic & conversions. Transparent team, impressive results. Highly recommend!



Head of Marketing


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